Jeremy Richard moving pictures editor Est. 2008

Change start frame

using TVPaint 11.7

It seems that, when we open a new project, the timeline starts at frame 0.

For whom this may seems strange, here is how we can change it, and make the timeline start at frame 1 or any other number for that matter.

Video demonstration

The procedure

To change the start frame of the timeline to 1, as opposed to zero which is the default state, we first:

  1. click on the ‘Start Frame’ button located underneath the layers, in the bottom left hand side corner of the timeline panel, where the ‘Background’, ‘Notes’, ‘Sound’ and ‘Color Group’ buttons are located;
  2. then pops up a little window in which we tick the option with the number 1 attached to it;

    Screen capture of TVPaint
    Change the timeline’s first frame to 1.
  3. the timeline will now show its first frame as being 1.
Other than 0 or 1

If for whatever reason we want to change the first frame to something else than 0 or 1 we can, within that same ‘Start Frame’ little window, choose tick the option ‘Custom’. We then either:

The End